
MetCalc - The Metal Calculator

Base for your Calculations of Engineering, Science, Education and Craft

Heating Metals

You can select each property for calculation in a very simple way of about 30 metals in a dimension of your choice

In this view you can e.g. calculate, which energy is necessary to heat a certain amount of metal from a lower temperature to a higher temperature. The calculation also takes into consideration melting point, melting energy and specific heat both for solid and liquid phase . For several metals also the dependance of the specific heat from the temperature is taken into account. (Otherwise there is a hint in Info/Help). Bei selecting Higher Temperature as a result the result is a rough approximation because of mathematical reasons

One can convert the results and the input in different units/dimensionsYou have to give the values for 3 properties and the 4th value will be calculated. The property to be calculated can be seletced by the round button.

The result - after clicking on the Calculate! button - and the input data can be copied to clipboard in a way that it can be pasted to spreadsheets for further calculations.
By pressing Info/Help you get infos about the source of the data and partly hints if there are special restrictions or uncertainties in a calculation - e.g. missing functions of the specific heat from the temperature


